Ludmila Ulitskaya - Writer in Residence at Stanford University

Russian novelist Ludmila Ulitskaya joins the DLCL for one month starting in mid-January 2008.
The Writer in Residence Program brings writers from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds for one-month visits to the Stanford campus. The program puts writers in direct contact with students, the Stanford community in general, and the local community as a whole, strengthening the connections between the teaching and the practice of literature. During their residency, writers give one public lecture and/or participate in panels with other writers and in public interviews; visit language and literature classes; and hold office hours.

Public Events:

Friday, January 18, 2008
Welcome brunch and bilingual colloquium, 10:30 a.m., Building 460, Terrace Room. Ulitskaya will lead an informal discussion of her story "The Queen of Spades" from Sonechka: A Novella and Stories.

Monday, January 28, 2008
Bilingual reading and talk, 7 p.m., Building 260, Room 113.

For more detail: click here